Accidents and Broken Bones

Can I Sue For a Broken Bone?

Yes, you can. Any accident that resulted in an injury and was caused by the neglect or recklessness of someone else falls under Personal Injury Law. A broken bone can result in high medical bills, lost wages from work, and pain and suffering. All of these can be considered in a broken bone claim or

Injury Lawyers for Nerve Damage

Nerve pain can change day-to-day. Just because it’s better today doesn’t mean it will be tomorrow. Make sure you don’t accept an insurance claim without getting a full recommendation from your doctor. Nerve pain can linger on for days, weeks, months, and even years after an injury has occurred. It can be a complicated injury.

What You Should Know About Soft Tissue Injuries

Make sure what you think is a “bump”, isn’t actually something more serious. A Soft tissue injury can result from a single impact during an accident or from repetitive strain over time. Slip and fall accidents, car accidents, or even everyday tasks at work can cause injuries to soft tissue. Repetitive motions at work are

Back Injury Accidents That Could Have Been Avoided

Back injuries are a common type of injury we work with. Most of the back injuries our clients deal with have happened in auto accidents, premises liability, and work-related accidents. When your back gets injured in an accident that was caused by someone else you shouldn’t be left holding the bill on your own. But before you accept

Rockford Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Lawyers

Exposure to carbon monoxide can lead to the sudden onset of illness and even death if the carbon monoxide reaches a certain level. It’s a dangerous gas that is both odorless and colorless. And sometimes the exposure can lead to long-lasting injury. When carbon monoxide poisoning is caused by someone else’s negligence you might be

Neck and Back Injury Lawyers

Neck and back injuries can hide themselves. Car accidents are the main cause of neck and back injuries. These types of injuries can be mild to severe. It’s important that you understand that neck and back injuries aren’t always the most severe directly after an accident. If you have been in an accident a neck

Construction Site Lawyers

Your Claim Type Will Depend on if You’re A Worker, A Contractor, or Bystander Construction sites are full of hazards. They’re also full of several different types of workers. Some workers are direct employees, some are contractors, subcontractors, and some can be bystanders. A construction site injury claim will depend on who was injured, how

Common Construction Site Accidents

Workers on construction sites are exposed to several hazards on a daily basis, which may lead to serious or fatal injuries. Not all construction site accidents are the cause of negligence, and if it is it’s not always clear who was at fault. You might have been injured due to employer negligence or by the

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